The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 12
Key Words Tasty - delicious A tasty piece of cake. A delicious meal. Decide - to make a decision. To say what you want. To go for - (idiom) - A decision To decide on something. I'm going for a beer. A dead heat - (idiom) Competition, race, comparison - When two players have the same chance. The race was a dead heat between John and Simon. The sky's the limit- no limits - you can do what you want. Questions In which tearoom are Ken, Jean, and Dave? How many tearooms are in Tootenhoe? Is the Bluebird better than the Happy Snake? Are scones served with plumb jam? Is Dave enjoying his singing lessons? What is Sally teaching Dave next week? Is Dave a talented singer? How many people are on Jean's invitation list for grandma's birthday party? Who is England playing in the European cup? Which team is going to win? Is Jean sure about England's victory? Has Austria a good football team?