Chapter 11


Key Words 

To cut a long story short - to bring a story to its point.
A peppercorn rent is a very cheap or low rent.
Of late means recently. There have been many price increases of late.
To make ends meat means to get by on very little money. It is very hard for vicars to make ends meet on their pay.
Every little counts means no matter how small the amount may be, it is still very important.
I must be getting on means I must continue my work.
I'll get going right away means I will start immediately.
I'm ready for off means I am ready to depart.


Are Farmer Ken, Jean, and their son Dave having jam sandwiches for tea?
Is Graham Edwards the mayor?
Why does Graham Edwards want to rent a field?
Did Farmer Ken and Graham Edwards agree on a very high rent?
Is the school finding it hard to get by?
What can Jean do to help the school?
Who is coming to visit on Thursday afternoon?
Where is Dave going on Thursday afternoon?
Where will granny's birthday party be held if the weather is nice?
If the weather is bad, where will granny's birthday party be held?

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