Chapter 29
The Farm at Lane's End is the ongoing story of a typical English farming family. Farmer Ken, his wife Jean, and their son Dave. In Chapter 29, The Bartons are thinking about where to go on Saturday.
To start the ball rolling means to start something.
The flicks is an alternative word for cinema - cinema/pictures/flicks/the movies
To recite - When someone recites a poem or other piece of writing, they say it aloud after having learned it by heart.
The Vicarage - The vicarage is the house where the vicar and his family live.
And, now our story. The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 29
Ken starts the ball rolling. I say Jean and Dave. I fancy going out on Saturday. Any suggestions?
Jean thinks for a minute. We could go to the cinema. I haven't seen a good film for years. In fact, the last time we went to the flicks we saw The Sound of Music. And, that was many years ago. I really enjoyed the Sound of Music. A true Austrian story. The Austrians love singing. They sing all the time. Maybe there's a good film on on Saturday.
Dave is not so happy with his mother's suggestion. I would rather do something different. How about going bowling? Claire and I know a good bowling alley in Scunthorpe. Bowling is really great.
Farmer Ken has other ideas. I was thinking of something completely different. There's something on at the vicarage on Saturay. A poetry reading. Mrs. Duncan, the vicar's wife, is reciting from her new poetry book.
Jean is curious. I never knew that Mrs.Duncan was a poet. A poetry reading sounds great to me. What do you say Dave?
Dave doesn't like this idea at all. I know, mum and dad, you both go to the poetry reading, Claire and I will go somewhere different. A perfect compromise.
Farmer Ken agrees. A good idea, Dave. And, on Sunday, we'll all have lunch together. Everyone agrees.
Questions - What did Ken want to do on Saturday? What was Jean's suggestion? What was the last film they saw at the flicks? When did Jean and Ken last go to the pictures? Was The Sound of Music a true story? Was Dave happy with his mother's suggestion? What was Dave' suggestion? Where was the bowling alley? Was Farmer Ken happy with Dave's idea? What did Farmer Ken want to do? Was Jean curious? What compromise did Dave suggest? Have you seen the Sound of Music?
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Words of High Wisdom