Chapter 36

The Farm at Lane's End is the story of English country life.  Farmer Ken, his wife Jean, and their son Dave.  In chapter 36, Jean is knitting a pullover.


knitting - to knit - to make a garment from wool with 2 knitting needles.

mum's the word  is an idiom. It means keep silent, or keep it a secret.

cheeky - showing a lack of respect in an amusing way.

suspicious - showing a careful distrust.

fancy - if you fancy something means you have a wish or desire for something.

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I say, mum, what are you doing?

I'm knitting a pullover for your father. 

For his birthday?

No, Dave, it's going to be his Christmas present.

But, mum, it's only March. 

I know, Dave. Pullovers take a long time to knit.  Especially secret ones. 

I understand.  I say, mum.  I do like the colours.  Dad's really going to look great wearing an orange and green pullover.  Why did you choose orange and green? 

Orange and green are Christmassy colours.  Orange for the oranges we eat, and green for the Christmas tree.

Original thnking, mum.  So, dad's going to look like a Christmas tree covered with oranges!

Don't be cheeky, Dave.  I'm sure dad's going to like it very much. 

Where is dad, mum?

He's gone to the village to meet your uncle Andy.  They've some business to discuss.  

That sounds very suspicious.  When will dad be home?

Any minute now, Dave.  I must pack up  this knitting and take it upstairs.  And, remember, Dave, Mum's the word. We don't want dad to find out.  It's our little secret.

Your secret's safe with me, mum.  And, by the way, mum,  what's for tea?

A nice cup of tea and a nice slice of cherry cake.

That's great, mum. Just what I fancy.


What is Jean knitting?  Is Jean knitting a birthday or Christmas present?  Is green and orange a good combination?  For whom is the pullover?  Why is Jean keeping her knitting a secret?  How do understand "mum's the word"?  Why has Farmer Ken gone to the village?  What's for tea?  What do you fancy for lunch, tomorrow?  Can you knit?  Is Jean's secret safe with Dave?

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