
Chapter 21

The Farm at Lane's End is the story of English country life.  Farmer Ken, his wife Jean, and their son Dave.    For the characters in this story, please click here   Chapter 21 - Key words or phrases,- I hav.en't a clue , this means I have no idea. I haven't a clue what she's talking about. Worth a try means it would be a good idea to do it.  It might work. According to - this tells us what someone has written or said.  According to Andy, tourism would be good for the village.   A sly old fox is a clever or cunning old man. To count us in mens to include us.  That's a great idea!  Count us in. Questions - What is Andy's plan for Tootenhoe? What would Andy like Ken to do? Would the cycle track be near the river or near the house? Where would the cycle track start and finish? Who owns the tea shop at the start and finish of the cycle track?  Why is Andy a sly old fox? How will the cycle track help Andy? What does Jean want to sell on her stand? What advantages

Chapter 20

The Farm at Lane's End is the story of English country life.  Farmer Ken, his wife Jean, and Dave their son.         For the characters in this story, please click here Key words or phrases - To ENROLL means to register or sign up for something. I have enrolled with the army.  I have enrolled in a French course.  I have signed up for a Spanish conversation course.   WHAT ABOUT . . . . .?  This a question phrase. It means what do you think of something or would you consider something?  What about going out tomorrow?  Would you consider going out tomorrow?   ACTUALLY is connected with the truth.  A fact.  I actually did see Mary last week. TO MAKE UP ONE´S MIND - To make up one's mind is to make a decision. To decide.  Please make up your mind!  Shall we go today or tomorrow?? Questions Which course have Claire and Dave signed up for? Where is the French course being held? Where are Dave and Claire getting their text books from? Why do Dave and Claire want to learn French? Is

Chapter 19

  For the characters in this story, please click here Key words or phrases By the way - Another topic that is related, but not directly involved with the subjet being discussed. Conductor - The leader of an orchestra, the person who directs the orchestra,  The person with the batton. Batton is the short stick that conductors use to guide the orchestra. Shepherd's Pie - This is a traditional English dish.  Mince meat with a generous topping of crispy mashed potatoes. To fancy something means to really want something.  I really fancy fish and chips for lunch!   Questions When is the concert? Where is the concert? What is the choir singing, or, what is the choir putting on? Is this Ken's favourite Schubert mass? What time does the concert start? Who is conducting the choir? Who is singing a solo? What have Ken and Jean decided to do before going to the concert? Where are Ken and Jean going after the concert?

Chapter 18

For the characters in this story, please click here Key Words / Phrases Gale force winds - very, very strong winds Low lying ground / low lying areas   - very low gound at or very near sea level.  The wind is getting up - the wind is becoming stronger, the wind is getting stronger Questions Where did Dave hear the storm warning? Where was the storm coming from? Where were the cows? Does the bottom field often flood? Why does the bottom field often flood? Can cows swim? Was the washing still on the line? What did Farmer Ken and Dave do first? What was the weather like in Scotland? What is Jean going to do to help the poor Scottish people? Do you like English cherry cake?  

Chapter 17

For the characters in this story, please click here Key Words Pastel colours - Pastel colours are soft shades of colours.  Pastel colours show moods such as optimismus,  joy, peace, and innocence. Incredible - Incredible means almost impossible to believe.  An incredible story, for example. A table cloth is a cloth that protects the surface of a table.  Friends in common are friends that other people you know know as well. Knives, forks, and spoons are words you should know as well. Questions What is Claire's proffesion? Are Claire's paintings oil or water colours? Where did Claire study art? Why do you like pastel colours? What did Claire cook for dinner? What was Dave's reaction when he saw Claire's table? What kind of music does Dave prefer? What kind of music does Claire love? What did Dave and Claire discuss over dinner? Is Edinburgh the capital city of Wales or Ireland? What time did Dave arrive home from Claire's?

We are on holiday!

The next chapter of The Farm at Lane's End will appear on the 5th of September.   Enjoy your summer and see you soon! Das nächste Kapitel von The Farm at Lane's End wird am 5. September erscheinen.   Genießen Sie den Sommer und bis bald! NAJ

Chapter 16

  The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 16 Key Words and Phrases Inseparable   - always together - impossible to seperate. Out of the blue  - this means something happened unexpectedly (not planned) To keep in touch  - to stay in contact. In this neck of the woods  - in this area.  What's happening in your neck of the woods. There is more than meets the eye  - there is more to this story or situation than is obvious. To take one's leave  means to politely leave. To drift apart  - to gradually seperate or lose contact. Questions When did the old friends drift apart? Where did collin go to university? What did Collin study at university? Where did Collin become a lawyer? Is Jean a very nosy woman? What did the old friends do together when they were young? Is Bill Guthrie the mayor of Tootenhoe? What is Bill Guthrie's legal problem? At what time did Collin leave?

Chapter 15

Key words and phrases Pigsty  - a place where pigs are kept. To fancy something  - If you  fancy something  is something you want or something you want to do.   I fancy  going out this evening.   I fancy   a yoghurt for breakfast. At least  - This is the minumum. We haven't seen Sally for  at least  a year.  To stay healthy, one must drink  at least  2 litres of water a day. Something has come up  - This means something has happened and you can't come.  I'm sorry,  something's come up  and I must cancel our meeting. At my place  - this means at my house or where I live.  Let's meet at  my place  at seven. To bump into  someone means to meet someone by chance (unplanned).  I  bumped into  Chris this morning. To spill the beans  means to tell all.  Come on, tell us what happened.  Spill the beans . Questions When did Dave last see Claire? How old was claire when Dave last saw her? What was Claire working as when she as 15? Did Claire use to have short hair? How has Cl

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 14

  Key  Words Something has come up .  This means one must cancel. I'm sorry, something has come up, I must cancel our meeting this afternoon. Time on one's hands .  This means that one has time to do something.  I had time on my hands, so I went to a museum. Your Poison?    This means your prefered drink.  What's your poison?  I'll have a beer, please. Questions Are Paul and Dave going to the Queens for a drink? Who bought the first round? Who sent Dave her best regards? Did Dave and Paul play a round of darts? Who did they see in the pub? Who was Sally with? Does Lionel Foxely come from a very poor family? Why is Sally interested in Lionel Foxely? Why did Sally cancel her singling lesson with Dave? Will Dave be having another singing lesson? Now listen to the text -

Chapter 13

Key Words How about you?  What would you like (to drink)? Elevenses - A short coffee break at around 11 a.m.  Usually with a biscuit. A stick in the mud is a very boring and dull person. Glued to the box.  This is about a person who spends all their time watching TV. For some strange reason is the same as saying I don't understand the reason. As poor as a church mouse talks about someone who is very, very poor.  (idiom) Questions Where are Ken, Jean, and Dave having elevenses? What will happen if Dave has too many chocolate biscuits? Who did Jean want to invite for Sunday lunch? What has Sydney become? What does Sydney spend most of his time doing? What was the worst thing for Sydney? What was Syd's job? How was Dave's singing lesson? What is Sally interested in? What has Farmer Ken ordered? Why did Farmer Ken order a helicopter? Is Farmer Ken as poor as a church mouse?

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 12

  Key Words Tasty  - delicious     A tasty piece of cake.  A delicious meal. Decide - to make a decision.  To say what you want. To go for  - (idiom) - A decision  To decide on something.  I'm going for a beer. A dead heat  - (idiom) Competition, race, comparison -  When two  players have the same chance.  The race was a dead heat between John and Simon. The sky's the limit- no limits - you can do what you want. Questions In which tearoom are Ken, Jean, and Dave? How many tearooms are in Tootenhoe? Is the Bluebird better than the Happy Snake? Are scones served with plumb jam? Is Dave enjoying his singing lessons? What is Sally teaching Dave next week? Is Dave a talented singer? How many people are on Jean's invitation list for grandma's birthday party? Who is England playing in the European cup? Which team is going to win? Is Jean sure about England's victory? Has Austria a good football team?

Chapter 11

  Key Words  To cut a long story short - to bring a story to its point. A peppercorn rent is a very cheap or low rent. Of late means recently. There have been many price increases of late. To make ends meat means to get by on very little money. It is very hard for vicars to make ends meet on their pay. Every little counts means no matter how small the amount may be, it is still very important. I must be getting on means I must continue my work. I'll get going right away means I will start immediately. I'm ready for off means I am ready to depart. Questions Are Farmer Ken, Jean, and their son Dave having jam sandwiches for tea? Is Graham Edwards the mayor? Why does Graham Edwards want to rent a field? Did Farmer Ken and Graham Edwards agree on a very high rent? Is the school finding it hard to get by? What can Jean do to help the school? Who is coming to visit on Thursday afternoon? Where is Dave going on Thursday afternoon? Where will granny's birthday party be held if the

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 10

  Key Words Favour - when you do someone a favour, you do something that will help them. To drop by - This means to visit someone for a short time.  Whilst you are at it - this means you could do something else that's similar at the same time. Spill the beans - this means to tell all.  To tell everything about it.  To talk about it. To put on one's thinking cap - this means you will think about it, Questions did Jean bake? What time did the vicar come for tea? What colour was Jean's dress? How old was Jean's dress? What did the vicar s want Ken to doarc? What kind of cake  Did Ken agree to read the lessons? What was the vicar's second wish? Who had just become the new choir director? Will Dave join the choir? And, now, listen to the text - 

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 9

  Key Words By the way -  means incidentally or in passing.  Something that is not connected to the subject being discussed. A lift  is when someone takes you with them in their car.  Would you like a lift to the Women's Institute?  Can I give you a lift home? To look forward to something  means to be happy or excited about something that is going to happen. What a nerve  is to say something or do something you shouldn't do or say. The lessons  are two readings from the Bible read in church.   One from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament. Listen to the text Questions What is Jean cooking for breakfast? Where and when is Dave meeting cousin Jane? Who is giving Jean a lift to the Women's Institute? What must Farmer Ken and Dave repair? What did Rajeev say in his letter to Jane? How did Jane react to Rajeev's letter? Does Jane think she is special? What makes women happy? Who did Farmer Ken forget to phone? ....

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 8

  The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 8 Key Words Shandy - A shandy is a beer with lemonade. The wrong end of the stick  - if you get hold of the wrong end of the stick you misunderstand. A good egg is a good man, a good sport. When someone goes on means they can't stop speaking. Questions Where did Dave meet Jane? Was Jane punctual? What did Jane drink? Did Jane's mum get the wrong end of the stick? Who ditched who? What did Jane find when she got home? Who joined Dave and Jane in the pub? Why did Uncle Andy phone Uncle Ken? How much profit did Farmer Ken make? Where is mum going? What happens at the Women's Institute?

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 7

  Key Words  To pop somewhere - to go somewhere quickly Wellies - wellington boots - rubber boots Your old man is your husband I could eat a horse - I am very hungry To ditch someone is to kick them out - to end a relationship I'll be all ears - to give someone full attention Questions Where was mum when Dave got home? What was mum cooking? Why had Farmer Ken gone to the village? Who had mum been speaking to on the phone? What was aunty Sally's bad news? Was Dave surprised? What now will mum not need? Will cousin Jane have to look for a new job? What have Dave and Cousin Jane agreed to do? Who had Farmer Ken forgotten to phone?  

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 6

  Key Words Fox den  - where foxes  live.  to turn in  - to go to bed in a jiffy  - in a very short time.  I'll be back in a jiffy. discharge papers  - release documents from hospital - permission to go home. to nip  - to go quickly - I'll just nip next door. bangers and mash  - sausages and mashed potatoes sound asleep  - fast asleep - sleeping deeply. in the nick of time  - at/ in  the very last moment The Text Questions Where did Farmer Ken see a fox? What do foxes like for dinner? What was Dave's plan for Sunday lunch? What did mum want help with at the hospital? What did Farmer Ken and Dave bring with them for mum's luggage? What did the nurse tell mum? Why did mum need help going upstairs? What did Farmer Ken forget to do in the bedroom? What did Dave offer mum for lunch? Did Farmer Ken forget to lock the chicken coop?

Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 5

Key Words -  Quid  - a pound - That will cost you 5 quid. That will cost you 5 pounds. Do the honours  - do the job Pub grub  - pub meals Disgusting   - very bad - repulsive What's your poison?  - what are you drinking? A pint  - a big beer haddok and chips  - fish and chips landlady  -  the owner of a pub - landlord if a man I fancy  - I fancy fish and chips - I feel like fish and chips - I'm in the mood for fish and chips pulling a pint  - to pump a beer up from the cask or barrel with a long handle on the bar to take after someone  (usually a parent or relative) - to be the same or similar.  She really takes after her mother. to burn daylight  - take advantage of the light. Make use of daylight. skint  - to have no money.  I'm skint. I have no money. put on the slate - I will put your bill on the slate. To make a note of monies owed. Questions What does Aunty Becky order for  lunch? What was Dave's poison? DId Aunty Becky say that Lasagne was Swedish? What was very

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 4

Key Words Rashers and eggs     bacon and eggs. 30 grand  - 30 thousand.   1 grand = 1 thousand. (only money) I'll keep my fingers crossed  - good luck. Nightmare  - very bad dream. Before you get going  - before you start.  Would you like a cup of tea before you get going with the cleaning. Elevenses  - A coffee break at 11 o' clock in the morning.  Usually with a biscuit. I could eat a horse .  I am very hungry. It slipped my mind  - I forgot. Never mind  - It's no problem.  Don't worry. Questions Why is Farmer Ken going to see Peter Wilson? When will Farmer Ken be back from Peter Wilson's? What is Farmer Ken buying for lunch? What did Dave offer Aunty Becky and Cousin Natalie when they arrived? What did cousin Natalie say when she saw the mess? What did Cousin Natalie mean when she said she could eat a horse? What did Farmer Ken forget to buy? What was Farmer Ken's good idea?

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 3

 Last time.   Farmer Ken has been offered a herd of Guernsey cows. The price is a little high. Mum is coming home from hospital.  What about the cleaning up? Chapter 3 - Key Words    Never mind - don't mind Pint - a big beer Grand - a thousand - 5 thousand = 5 grand. Questions Does Farmer Ken think  housework is easy?  How long ago did Farmer Ken and Dave have fish and chips?   Who phoned farmer Ken?   What did Peter Wilson want to sell?   How much did Peter Wilson want for his cows?  How many cows did Peter Wilson have to  sell?   What did aunty Becky say in her text message?  Who is Aunty Becky coming with?   Are Farmer Ken and Dave happy that Becky and Natalie are coming?   What are Becky and Natalie coming to do?   Where are farmer Ken and Dave going for a pint?   What has farmer Ken forgotten to do?

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 2

  The Farm at Lane's End -  Chapter 2  -   Visiting Time at the Hospital   Key Words Yorkshire  - short for Yorkshire pudding - Roast beef and Yorkshire Decent  - respectable - satisfactory - good.  A decent meal. Questions -    What is the time when Farmer Ken and Dave arrive at the hospital?   Was mum's operation easy or difficult?   Was mum smiling when Dave and Farmer Ken arrived?   What did the doctor's tell mum?    Were Farmer Ken and Dave happy to hear mum's news?   What did Dave say about mum coming home?   What will mum need for the wedding?   What must  Farmer Ken and Dave do before mum comes home?   What has Farmer Ken forgotten to do?

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 1

  The Farm at Lane's End  -   Chapter 1.   An Invitation   Farmer Ken and Dave his son are just having breakfast.  An invitation has arrived with the post.  Dave is excited.  He wants to know more.       Key Words  Never mind  -  don't worry - it's no problem Pint  - a big beer Grand  - a thousand  -   5 grand = 5 thousand Questions - Is Farmer Ken cooking breakfast or lunch?    What has Dave just finished doing? Which season is it in this story?   What does Farmer Ken tell Dave over breakfast?   Who has written to Farmer Ken?   Good news or bad news?   Who is getting married?    Who is Cousin Jane getting married to?  Is Rajeeve's father rich or poor?   Why is Rajeeve's father rich? Where is Dave's mother?

Farm at Lane's End - Latest Edition - Chapter 8 - Click Here

The Farm at Lane's End - Chapter 8 Key Words Shandy - A shandy is a beer with lemonade. The wrong end of the stick  - if you get hold of the wrong end of the stick you misunderstand. A good egg is a good man, a good sport. When someone goes on means they can't stop speaking. Questions Where did Dave meet Jane? Was Jane punctual? What did Jane drink? Did Jane's mum get the wrong end of the stick? Who ditched who? What did Jane find when she got home? Who joined Dave and Jane in the pub? Why did Uncle Andy phone Uncle Ken? How much profit did Farmer Ken make? Where is mum going? What happens at the Women's Institute?